Same Day Delivery Auto Parts In Lahore.

SM Motors offer same day auto parts delivery in Lahore by Uber, Careem, Yango , In Drive Bykea Bike.

To avail this service, place your order on our website & share the Order No with us so we can confirm the items availability & Pick Up time for same day delivery.

After the Payment customer booked the ride through Uber, Careem or Bykea & share the Booked ride details along with payment slip. (excluding weekends and holidays)


Pay us through Bank Transfer, Uber/Careem Delivery, Credit Card Visa/Master, Easy Paisa, Jazz Cash, AlfaPay App, Masterpass QR Code


How does it work?  

  1. Customer place the order at our website.
  2. After stock availability check & Pick Up time.
  3. Customer pay us through Bank Transfer ...etc 
  4. Booked the Ride through Uber or Careem.
  5. In the Pick Up box type (SM Motors 1-Montgomery Road Lahore). This is where your deliveries need to be picked from.
  6. In the Drop Off box type your location. This is the destination where you want your items delivered.
  7. Click here to get our location pin.
  8. Your order product will reach at your door step in the same day. 



  1. Customer itself booked the Ride , We can't booked Ride For customers.
  2. Please confirm the product availability before payment.
  3. After placing the order, you can avail the bank details by CallingWhatsApp at +92-321-4090900.
  4. Physical damage claim during transportation will not be accepted. All goods shipped on customer risk.
  5. COD not available through rider service.




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